The Board of Management of Saigon – Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (the “Bank”) presents this report together with the Bank’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.
The members of the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, Board of Management and Chief Accountant of the Bank during the year and to the date of the consolidated financial statements are as follows:
Board of Directors
Board of Supervisors
Board of Management and Chief Accountant
The Board of Management of the Bank is responsible for preparing the consolidated financial statements, which give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Bank as at 31 December 2023 and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Vietnamese Accounting Standards, accounting regime applicable to credit institutions in Vietnam and legal regulations relating to consolidated financial reporting. In preparing these consolidated financial statements, the Board of Management is required to:
The Board of Management is responsible for ensuring that proper accounting records are kept, which disclose, with reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Bank, and that the consolidated financial statements comply with Vietnamese Accounting Standards, accounting regime applicable to credit institutions in Vietnam and legal regulations relating to consolidated financial reporting. The Board of Management is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Bank and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of frauds and other irregularities.
The Board of Management confirms that the Bank has complied with the above requirements in preparing these consolidated financial statements.
For and on behalf of the Board of Management,
Ngo Thu Ha
Chief Executive Officier
Hanoi, 29 March 2024
The Shareholders
The Board of Directors and the Board of Management
Saigon – Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Sai Gon – Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (the “Bank”), prepared on 29 March 2024 as set out from page 05 to page 60, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2023, the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended, and notes to the consolidated financial statements.
Managerment’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with Vietnamese Accounting Standards, accounting regime applicable to credit institutions in Vietnam and legal regulations relating to consolidated financial reporting and for such internal control as the Board of Management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Vienamese Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatements of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the Bank’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Board of Management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Bank as at 31 December 2023, and its consolidated financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Vietnamese Accounting Standards, accounting regime aplicable to credit institutions in Vietnam and legal regulations relating to consolidated financial reporting.
Other matter
The Bank’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 was audited by another independent audit firm, with the independent auditors’ report signed on 22 March 2023 giving an unqualified opinion.
Tran Huy Cong
Deputy General Director
Audit Practising Registration Certificate
No. 0891-2023-001-1
29 March 2024
Hanoi, S.R. Vietnam
Nguyen Khuong Duy
Audit Practising Registration Certificate
No. 5063-2020-001-1
As at 31 December 2023
Issued under Circular No. 49/2014/TT-NHNN
dated 31 December 2014 of the SBV
Unit: VND Million
NO. | ITEMS | Notes | Closing balance | Opening balance |
A. | ASSETS | |||
I. | Cash | 5 | 1,370,849 | 1,897,545 |
II. | Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam ("SBV") | 6 | 54,763,646 | 15,145,862 |
III. | Placements with and loans to other credit institutions | 7 | 63,548,928 | 63,008,862 |
1. | Placements with other credit institutions | 54,825,905 | 52,456,685 | |
2. | Loans to other credit institutions | 8,841,433 | 10,651,971 | |
3. | Provisions for credit losses | 8 | (118,410) | (99,794) |
IV. | Trading securities | 9 | 7,792,742 | 1,547 |
1. | Trading securities | 7,853,152 | 3,881 | |
2. | Provisions for impairment of trading securities | (60,410) | (2,334) | |
V. | Derivative financial instruments and other financial assets | 10 | - | 269,772 |
VI. | Loans to customers | 429,362,729 | 378,575,443 | |
1. | Loans to customers | 11 | 438,464,147 | 385,633,215 |
2. | Provisions for credit losses of loans to customers | 12 | (9,101,418) | (7,057,772) |
VII. | Investment securities | 13 | 32,063,660 | 32,954,676 |
1. | Available-for-sale investment securities | 13.1 | 14,373,759 | 12,988,616 |
2. | Held-to-maturity investment securities | 13.2 | 17,833,636 | 20,063,662 |
3. | Provisions for impairment of investment securities | 13.4 | (143,735) | (97,602) |
VIII. | Long-term investments | 14 | 414,448 | 46,699 |
1. | Investments in associates | 343,172 | - | |
2. | Other long-term investments | 158,272 | 158,272 | |
3. | Provisions for impairment of long-term investments | (86,996) | (111,573) | |
IX. | Fixed assets | 5,229,416 | 4,954,396 | |
1. | Tangible fixed assets | 15 | 734,978 | 502,854 |
a. | Cost | 1,528,503 | 1,287,149 | |
b. | Accumulated depreciation | (793,525) | (784,295) | |
2. | Intangible assets | 16 | 4,494,438 | 4,451,542 |
a. | Cost | 4,825,929 | 4,772,975 | |
b. | Accumulated amortisation | (331,491) | (321,433) | |
X. | Other assets | 17 | 35,954,267 | 45,573,283 |
1. | Other receivables | 18,860,662 | 29,226,346 | |
2. | Interest and fee receivables | 13,949,182 | 15,295,742 | |
3. | Other assets | 17,3 | 3,230,825 | 1,178,109 |
4. | Provisions for impairment of other assets | 17,4 | (86,402) | (126,914) |
TOTAL ASSETS | 630,500,685 | 542,428,085 | ||
I. | Borrowings from the Government and the SBV | 18 | 1,333,658 | 9,715,193 |
1. | Deposits and borrowings from the Government and the SBV | 1,333,658 | 9,715,193 | |
II. | Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions | 19 | 70,766,294 | 78,283,936 |
1. | Deposits from other credit institutions | 65,286,090 | 72,871,039 | |
2. | Borrowings from other credit institutions | 5,480,204 | 5,412,897 | |
III. | Deposits from customers | 20 | 447,503,426 | 361,675,593 |
IV. | Derivative financial instruments and other financial liabilities | 10 | 97,152 | - |
V. | Grants, trusted funds and borrowings at risk of the credit institution | 21 | 1,611,235 | 1,615,605 |
VI. | Valuable papers issued | 22 | 42,821,727 | 36,440,208 |
VII. | Other liabilities | 23 | 16,268,913 | 11,793,079 |
1. | Accrued fee and interest expenses | 14,025,631 | 9,069,320 | |
2. | Deferred tax liabilities | 36,030 | 30,233 | |
3. | Other payables and liabilities | 2,207,252 | 2,693,526 | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | 580,402,405 | 499,523,614 | ||
VIII. | Capital and reserves | 25 | 50,098,280 | 42,904,471 |
1. | Contributed capital | 37,638,324 | 32,118,175 | |
a. | Charter capital | 36,193,981 | 30,673,832 | |
b. | Share premium | 1,449,603 | 1,449,603 | |
c. | Treasury fund | (5,260) | (5,260) | |
2. | Reserves | 5,138,098 | 4,061,834 | |
3. | Foreign exchange reserves | (689,038) | (606,344) | |
4. | Retained earnings | 8,010,896 | 7,330,806 | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY | 630,500,685 | 542,428,085 |
NO. | ITEMS | Notes | Closing balance | Opening balance |
1. | Credit guarantees | 41 | 55,050 | 23,856 |
2. | Foreign exchange transactions commitments | 41 | 15,454,640 | 38,872,143 |
Buying foreign currency commitments | 805,070 | 6,324,654 | ||
Selling foreign currency commitments | 814,380 | 3,074,583 | ||
Cross currency swap contracts | 13,835,190 | 29,472,906 | ||
3. | Letters of credit | 41 | 5,085,207 | 19,146,337 |
4. | Other guarantees | 41 | 18,477,630 | 16,035,382 |
5. | Uncollected loan interest and fees | 42 | 10,116,063 | 7,070,140 |
6. | Doubtful debts written-off | 43 | 33,542,661 | 34,822,298 |
7. | Assets and other documents | 44 | 2,530,168 | 4,156,915 |
Prepared by
Do Thanh Phuong
Head of Accounting and General
Affairs Department
Reviewed by
Ngo Thi Van
Chief Accountant
Approved by
Ngo Thu Ha
Chief Executive Director
29 March 2024
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Issued under Circular No. 49/2014/TT-NHNN
dated 31 December 2014 of the SBV
Unit: VND Million
NO. | ITEMS | Notes | Current year | Prior year |
1. | Interest and similar income | 26 | 57,589,391 | 40,773,670 |
2. | Interest and similar expenses | 27 | (38,304,038) | (23,223,586) |
I. | Net interest income | 19,285,353 | 17,550,084 | |
3. | Income from services | 912,654 | 1,241,869 | |
4. | Expenses on services | (367,727) | (351,315) | |
II. | Net profit from services | 28 | 544,927 | 890,554 |
III. | Net gain from trading foreign currencies | 29 | 282,207 | 116,250 |
IV. | Net gain from trading securities | 30.1 | 11,122 | - |
V. | Net gain/(loss) from investment securities | 30.2 | 27,981 | 92,641 |
5. | Other operating income | 501,021 | 807,767 | |
6. | Other operating expenses | (67,385) | (120,540) | |
VI. | Net profit from other activities | 31 | 433,636 | 687,227 |
VII. | Income from capital contribution, equity investments | 32 | 743,171 | 4,226 |
VIII. | Operating expenses | 33 | (5,051,539) | (4,391,593) |
IX. | Net profit from operating activities before credit provision expenses | 16,276,858 | 14,949,389 | |
X. | Provision expenses for credit losses | 34 | (7,037,837) | (5,260,021) |
XI. | Profit before tax | 9,239,021 | 9,689,368 | |
7. | Current corporate income tax expense | 35 | (1,908,466) | (1,961,243) |
8. | Deferred corporate income tax expense | (5,797) | 793 | |
XII. | Corporate income tax expense | (1,914,263) | (1,960,450) | |
XIII. | Profit after corporate income tax | 7,324,758 | 7,728,918 | |
XIV. | Profit attribute to the owners of the Bank | 7,324,758 | 7,728,918 | |
XIV. | Basic earnings per share (VND) | 36 | 2,024 | 2,107 |
Prepared by
Do Thanh Phuong
Head of Accounting and General Affairs Department
Reviewed by
Ngo Thi Van
Chief Accountant
Approved by
Ngo Thu Ha
Chief Executive Director
29 March 2024
For the year ended 31 December 2023
Issued under Circular No. 49/2014/TT-NHNN
dated 31 December 2014 of the SBV
Unit: VND Million
NO. | ITEMS | Current year | Prior year |
01. | Interest and similar income received | 58,898,319 | 31,743,193 |
02. | Interest and similar expenses paid | (33,347,727) | (21,841,721) |
03. | Service income received | 582,559 | 757,558 |
04. | Net cash received from trading foreign currencies and securities | 425,519 | 260,627 |
05. | Other income | 243,550 | 60,297 |
06. | Receipts from debts written-off or paid off by risk fund | 190,201 | 626,930 |
07. | Payments to employees and for operating management | (4,945,722) | (4,340,550) |
08. | Corporate income tax paid | (2,437,226) | (502,344) |
Net cash from operating profit before movements in assets and working capita | 19,609,473 | 6,763,990 | |
Movement in operating assets | (55,153,267) | (43,115,133) | |
09. | Decrease/(Increase) in deposits at and loans to other credit institutions | 1,709,924 | (2,059,212) |
10. | Increase in trading securities | (7,004,389) | (7,901,835) |
11. | Decrease/(Increase) in derivatives and other financial assets | 269,772 | (17,324) |
12. | Increase in loans to customers | (52,830,933) | (23,217,091) |
13. | Decrease in provisions for losses | (4,465,088) | (2,907,739) |
14. | Decrease/(Increase) in other operating assets | 7,167,447 | (7,011,932) |
Movement in operating liabilities | 76,314,211 | 34,087,949 | |
15. | (Decrease)/Increase in borrowings from the Government and the State Bank of Vietnam | (8,381,535) | 8,204,210 |
16, | (Decrease) in deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions | (7,517,641) | (1,448,614) |
17. | Increase in deposits from customers | 85,827,834 | 34,478,765 |
18. | Decrease/(Increase) in issued valuable papers (excluding valuable papers charged to financial activities) | 6,381,519 | (9,851,906) |
19. | (Increase) in grants, trusted funds and borrowings at risk of the credit institution | (4,370) | (3,336,565) |
20. | Increase in derivatives and other financial liabilities | 97,152 | - |
21. | (Increase)/Decrease in other operating liabilities | (88,748) | 6,042,059 |
I. | Net cash generated by/(used in) operating activities | 40,770,417 | (2,263,194) |
01. | Acquisition of fixed assets | (240,841) | (71,255) |
02. | Proceeds from sales, disposals of fixed assets | 1,780 | 15,151 |
03. | Expenses on sales, disposal of fixed assets | (1,895) | - |
04. | Proceeds from investments in other entities | 825,440 | 6,119 |
05. | Dividends and profit received from long-term investments and capital contribution | 4,958 | 4,226 |
II. | Net cash generated by/(used in) investing activities | 589,442 | (45,759) |
01. | Dividends paid | (165) | (122) |
III. | Net cash (used in) financing activities | (165) | (122) |
IV. | Net increase/(decrease) in cash | 41,359,694 | (2,309,075) |
V. | Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year | 69,500,092 | 71,809,167 |
VI. | Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year (Note 37) |
110,859,786 | 69,500,092 |
Prepared by
Do Thanh Phuong
Head of Accounting and General
Affairs Department
Reviewed by
Ngo Thi Van
Chief Accountant
Approved by
Ngo Thu Ha
Chief Executive Director
29 March 2024