1. Business Overview

Unit: billion VND

Indicator 2023 plan Implementation in 2023 Implementation in 2022
Value % / 2023 plan Value % increase/ decrease
Signed contract value 1,500 1,116 74.40% 930 120.32%
Revenue 1,700 1,644 96.69% 1,186 138.59%
Earning after taxes 31.48 3.76 11.95% (141) 103.50%

Compared to 2022, operating results have improved with revenue of 1,644 billion VND, up by more than 38% YoY and signed contract value of more than 1,116 billion VND despite difficult market situation and fierce competition.

Signed contract value
Earning after taxes

Unit: billion VND

Signed contract value Engineering, construction and logistics Industrial refrigeration Construction material
2023 735.58 191.97 188.29
2022 398.16 381.66 150.18
Signed contract by operating field
  • 2023
  • 2022

Unit: billion VND

Revenue Engineering, construction and logistics Industrial refrigeration Construction material
2023 1,172.90 305.97 164.65
2022 741.71 226.46 217.44
Revenue by operating field
  • 2023
  • 2022


2.1. List of members of the Board of Directors

Position: Chairman of the Board of Directors

Year of birth: 1965

Professional qualification: Thermal Engineer

Number of shares held: shares, accounting for 2.66% of the Company’s charter capital.


Mr. Le Tan Phuoc currently holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors and is a founding shareholder of Searefico.

With the aspiration to create the top “Made in Vietnam” products in the world, he and the Board of Directors are determined to develop Searefico into a National Brand in the field of engineering and technology, and gradually affirm our position in Vietnamese and global markets.

Focusing on building a sustainable business, he is also the leader in developing Vietnamese business community with healthy business culture, aiming to contribute practical values to the society.

  • Chairman of BOD of Arico
  • Member of BOD of Greenpan
  • Besides, he is also the Vice Chairman of Vietnam Association of Business Culture Development, Vice Chairman of YBA - Gold Entrepreneur Club and Head of Competence Committee of Dale Carnegie Leadership Club.
2.3. Changes in the Board of Management

The BOM experienced a change of positions as follows:

Appointed Mr. Nguyen Kinh Luan to hold the position of Deputy General Director of Searefico from 01/10/2023 according to the BOD’s Decision No. 012/QD/SRF/HDQT/23 dated 29/9/2023.

2.4. Personnel restructuring and policy changes applicable to the employees

As of 31/12/2023, the total number of employees in the Company was 451 people with the specific structure as follows:

Item Quantity Percentage (%)
Total number of employees 451 100%
Educational level 451 100%

University graduate and post-graduate

284 63%


59 13%


36 8%

Manual workers (*)

72 16%
Personnel structure by gender 451 100%


373 83%


78 17%
Job role 451 100%

Senior manager

24 5.32%

Middle-level manager

68 15.08%

Employee, specialist

359 79.60%
Annual per capita income (million VND/month) 19.4
Average seniority (years) 5.4
Average age (years) 35.8

(*) Manual workers: Workers without vocational training certificates

Personnel structure by gender
  • Male
  • Female
Personnel structure by educational level
  • Manual workers
  • Intermediate
  • College
  • University graduate and post-graduate
Personnel structure by age
  • Male
  • Female
Personnel structure by role
  • Employee, specialist
  • Middle-level manager
  • Senior manager

Our approach prioritizes the cultivation of talent, understanding that it is the individuals who drive the creation and growth of successful companies. Searefico always aims at developing a sustainable team in both quantity and quality aspects. In particular, core values, corporate culture, and legacy inherited from previous generations are the roots of this sustainable development.

  • Core values help form and maintain the corporate culture, operational direction and strategy; are fundamental to making decisions and building the relationships with customers, partners and employees; building trust and strengthening internal bonds, and making the Company stand out among competitors.
  • Corporate culture is formed and passed down through generations, which shapes and leads the Company’s business strategy, influences the mindset and working style of all employees, and serves as the guideline for the employees’ behaviors.
  • Respect for differences is demonstrated regardless of gender, religion, or region. Each individual has their own mission and personal traits, but they all share the same goal of inheriting and promoting good values of previous generations and the same system of values.
  • The One Searefico spirit refers to a collective with shared values, unity, and collaboration, where everyone works together and supports each other for mutual progress. This spirit is rooted in the principle that individual benefits align with the company's benefits, and the company's benefits align with the overall interests of the entire Group.

Attract suitable candidates

  • A candidate must pass a careful screening and recruitment process before being employed by Searefico. Besides the motto of “Lives Kindly - Works Hard”, selected candidates must share the same vision, mission, and system of values with the Company.
  • In 2023, Searefico took ongoing efforts in affirming its reputation as an employer to attract suitable candidates by maintaining its ranks in Top 100 Best Places to Work in Vietnam and Top 05 Most Preferred Employers in the Electrical - Electronics - Refrigeration Industry.

Formulate and develop a succession plan

  • Searefico not only focuses on attracting suitable candidates, but also enables them to realize their values for development. In addition, Searefico also focuses on developing a team of successors with appropriate qualities and capabilities, which is one of the Company’s sustainable HR development strategies.
  • Searefico focuses on building a positive learning culture, encouraging research and creativity from all employees, organizing a variety of tailor-made training courses for specific job positions. In 2023, Searefico organized 93 training courses with total duration of 591.5 hours, focusing on improving professional knowledge, leadership skills, and management competencies.

Searefico consistently honours our commitment to building a fair, transparent, flexible and competitive salary, reward and welfare policy in order to attract and retain talents. This not only ensures competitive salaries and welfare benefits, but also creates an environment where employees are valued and recognized for their contributions and achievements.

  • Make salary and reward payments in compliance with our commitments to the employees.
  • A fair and transparent salary and reward policy is designed in a diverse way and closely associated with performance to improve collective and individual contributions.

In 2023, despite the market trends of laying-off and salary reduction, we still managed to grow our employee average income by 3% over that in 2022.

  • With the goal of increasingly improving our welfare policies in compliance with market trends and meeting the employees’ needs, we have coordinated with Trade Union Executive Committee to hold a Labour Conference to collect and listen to employees’ opinions and feedback. Since then, a number of welfare policies have been formulated and integrated in the Collective Labour Agreement, thereby demonstrating our determination in implementing Searefico’s commitments to the employees.

3. Summary of Financial Situation of SRF Group

3.1. Financial situation

Unit: billion VND

Indicator 2023 2022 %2023/2022
Total asset 1,753 1,731 100.46%
Net revenue 1,644 1,186 138.45%
Operating income 3.58 (128) -
Other income 3.95 0.6 -
Earnings before taxes 7.53 (127) -
Earning after taxes 3.76 (141) -
Dividend payout/charter capital rate (%) 0% 0%

In 2023, Vietnam’s real estate market took a major hit as many investors and developers were forced to reduce their product prices and even accept heavy discounts to stimulate sales demand. This situation reflected a challenging and volatile market. Many real estate businesses had to downsize and restructure their organizations, wind up certain subsidiaries, cut down on their workforce, and temporarily suspend the operations. Typically, a number of big market players had to downsize 50-75% of their workforce.

In 2023, due bond pressure and cash flow shortage greatly affected the construction progress and delayed the payments to contractors. In that context, however, Searefico still managed to carry out our projects on schedule and speed up payment progress with remarkable achievements, e.g., total revenue reached 1,644 billion VND in 2023, up by more than 38% YoY.

During the year, Searefico continued focusing on handling backlogs from previous years, reviewing the inventory, re-evaluating receivables, and setting aside provisions for certain investments in line with applicable accounting regimes and standards. Earning before taxes was 7.53 billion VND, a remarkable result compared to the loss of 127 billion VND in 2022.

In particular, in 2023, for the first time after 4 years of incorporation, Searefico E&C made prepayment of dividends to shareholders at rate of 3.3% of par value despite many difficulties in the real estate market. Meanwhile, Phoenix also paid dividends to its shareholders at rate of 20% of par value. The long-term investment in Searefico E&C and Phoenix has born fruits, promising to provide Searefico with a stable source of income in the future. This is the proof for the correct direction set by the BOD for the 3rd restructure, conversion of the operational model into Holdings Company with initial success.

3.2. Major financial indicators
Indicator UNIT 2023 2022
Solvency indicators
Current ratio Times 1.1 1.1
Quick ratio Times 0.9 0.8
Capital structure indicators
Debt-to-capital ratio Times 0.8 0.8
Debt-to-equity ratio Times 3.0 3.0
Operating capacity indicators
Receivables turnover Cycle 2.2 1.6
Inventory rotation Cycle 5.9 3.9
Asset turnover Cycle 0.9 0.7
Profitability indicators
Operating income/Net revenue % 2.89 (15.4)
Earnings after tax/Net revenue % 0.23 (11.9)
Return on equity (ROE) % 1.06 (39.7)
Return on assets (ROA) % 0.21 (8.2)

Despite many difficulties in 2023, such as cash flow shortage and slow payments from investors, we still managed to ensure the solvency and make timely payments to subcontractors and suppliers. Specifically, current ratio in 2023 was equivalent to that in 2022 while quick ratio grew from 0.8 times in 2022 to 0.9 times in 2023.

  • Current ratio
  • Quick ratio

Regarding capital structure, we continued affirming our capacity and credibility with credit institutions, subcontractors, and suppliers. Our debt-to-capital and debt-to-equity ratio were maintained as stable as those in 2022.

  • Debt-to-capital ratio
  • Debt-to-equity ratio

Regarding operational efficiency, we continued maintaining and promoting effective debt collection and inventory management practices. Asset turnover ratio continued growing from 0.7 cycle in 2022 to 0.9 cycle in 2023.

  • Receivables turnover
  • Inventory rotation
  • Asset turnover

In 2023, the BOM has strengthened risk management and flexibly adapted to market fluctuations. Our profitability indicators were all positive, proving again the BOD’s correct direction and effectiveness of management work performed by the BOM. Searefico has proven that 2023 was the starting point for implementing our pivot strategy and successfully navigating the storm on the road to a new cycle of success.

  • Operating income/Net revenue
  • Earnings after tax/Net revenue
  • Return on equity (ROE)
  • Return on assets (ROA)


As of 31/12/2023, the number of shares in the Company was as follows:

Number of shares issued and listed:


Number of shares outstanding:


Number of treasury shares:


Par value of the share:

10.000 VND

Changes of the equity: was no change in the equity in 2023 over that in 2022.

Treasury share transactions: is no treasury share purchase or sale transaction in 2023.

List of shareholders

Category Domestic shareholders Foreign shareholders Total
Number of shares % CC Number of shares % CC Number of shares % CC
Shareholders with over 5% shares 6,424,471 18.0% 16,059,456 45.2% 22,483,927 63.2%
Shareholders owning from 1% to 5% shares 6,185,436 17.4% - - 6,185,436 17.4%
Shareholders owning below 1% shares 4,822,460 13.6% 294,957 0.8% 5,117,417 14.4%
Treasury shares 1,780,000 5.0% - - 1,780,000 5.0%
Total 19,212,367 54.0% 16,354,413 46.0% 35,566,780 100.0%
Shareholder structure by the type of ownership
  • Domestic individuals
  • Domestic organisations
  • Foreign individuals
  • Foreign organisations
  • Treasury stock

List of strategic and major shareholders

Major shareholders Number of shares Ownership ratio (%)
Taisei Oncho Co., Ltd 8,909,456 25.05%
Sanyo Vietnam Engineering & Development Co., Ltd. 7,150,000 20.10%
Vietnam Seaproducts Joint Stock Corporation 4,567,200 12.84%
Nguyen Huu Thinh 1,515,258 4.26%
Nguyen Thi Hong (*) 1,857,271 5.22%

Note: (*) Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong is a related person of Mr. Nguyen Huu Thinh - a non-executive member of the BOD.