Dear Shareholders and stakeholders of HDBank,

Scientists are warning that the Earth is continuing to warm and is approaching a critical tipping point. Climate change, environmental pollution, and natural disasters are becoming increasingly frequent and severe threats around the globe. In addition, war, inequality, human rights abuses, poverty, and other social issues are also demanding action from countries around the world.

At the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), Vietnam officially announced the Plan for Resource Mobilization to Implement the Political Declaration on Establishing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), reaffirming its commitment to clean energy development and a net-zero emissions target by 2050.

At HDBank, we understand that tomorrow comes from today’s actions and fully support the above commitments and goals. We are fully aware of our role and responsibility in creating value for society, protecting the environment, and contributing to the development of a green economy, promoting human rights, and creating sustainable values for the future.

With this awareness and responsibility, over the years HDBank has not only fully complied with environmental regulations in all its operations but has also been one of the pioneers in participating in the country’s climate change projects.

In 2015, HDBank was selected by the Government to be the bank serving the Climate Change Adaptation Project in the Mekong Delta region in the two provinces of Ben Tre and Tra Vinh, using ODA funds from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) under the United Nations. Also in 2015, HDBank was selected by the Government to serve the project on Improving Energy Efficiency in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, using 100 million euros of ODA provided by the German government. Subsequently, HDBank was continuously selected by the State Bank of Vietnam and the Ministry of Finance to serve projects using ODA to develop the clean water supply system, build schools, hospitals, and economic infrastructure.

In recent years, HDBank has expanded its cooperation with many international organizations such as IFC, DEG, and Proparco to disburse hundreds of millions of USD for renewable energy programs, high-tech agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and womenowned businesses in Vietnam. In addition, we have been constantly striving to implement specific solutions and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, hazardous waste, and commit to strictly manage emissions in all our activities.

As of end 2023, HDBank’s green finance portfolio exceeded 12 trillion dong and total disbursement amount in 2023 to women-owned businesses exceeded 3.4 trillion dong. At the same time, HD SAISON has disbursed nearly 8 trillion dong of preferential loans to workers at industrial parks and processing zones nationwide to help low-income borrowers improve their living standards.

Recognizing the importance of financial inclusion, HDBank has been promoting strategies, policies, and actions to increase access to financial services for customers in remote and rural areas. Over the past 10 years, HDBank has been committed to the strategy of a universal retail bank, targeting small and medium-sized enterprises, workers, farmers, small traders, and low-income people in second tier cities and rural areas. HDBank and our consumer finance subsidiary HD SAISON currently serve more than 17 million individual and consumer finance customers, with over 50% of outstanding loans for people and businesses in second tier cities and rural areas.

In terms of governance, HDBank is the pioneer bank to upgrade to Basel III in 2023 and is ready to apply from 2024 when approved by the regulatory authorities. The bank has also completed the project of upgrading the risk management framework; issued Policy on Environmental and Social Risk Management in credit extension (ESMS) applied to corporate loans, specifically limiting credit to industries that have a negative impact on the environment.

Throughout many generations of leadership, HDBank has always been an active and responsible bank in implementing social responsibility. HDBank’s CSR activities have always received the consensus of implementation throughout the system, bringing a better life to vulnerable groups in need of support in society.

As we move forward into our 34th year of operation, we are committed to building HDBank into a model that effectively integrates sustainable development goals into its business strategy, bringing maximum benefits to customers, shareholders, the community and society. The success of this model at HDBank has been recognized and highly appreciated by many domestic and international organizations, with numerous awards for sustainable development in 2023. HDBank was honored by Asiamoney magazine as the Best Bank for CSR in Vietnam. Notably, at the 2023 Listed Companies Awards, HDBank won two important awards: Best Listed Company for Organizing the Annual General Meeting and Best Annual Report. The Vietnam Institute of Directors (VIOD) honored HDBank’s Board of Directors as the Board of the Year, recognizing its top-notch corporate governance. Previously, in 2019, HDBank was the first bank in Vietnam to be honoured by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with a Green Deal Award.

Sustainable development is a long-term process that requires perseverance and continuous effort. Therefore, the theme of this year’s annual report, “Green Mindset - Sustainable Growth”, is also the focus of HDBank’s journey to build a green legacy and strive to fully implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The key areas that HDBank will continue to focus on are:

  • Enhancing governance and risk management capabilities
  • Aligning the Bank’s credit portfolio towards greening and supporting customers in the green transition process
  • Further promoting digital transformation to provide comprehensive financial solutions to stakeholders

HDBank, together with its Board of Directors and employees, is committed to continuously creating sustainable value and fulfilling its commitment to bringing the best benefits to all stakeholders. With the utmost determination, we are confident that we will achieve and exceed our business targets for 2024 and reach new heights in sustainable development.





The Sustainable Development chapter is prepared annually and integrated into HDBank’s Annual Report to present and disclose information related to the Bank’s sustainable development goals. HDBank publishes information related to Environmental - Social - Governance (ESG) annually to provide an overview of its operations and evaluate ESG impacts on business performance as well as sustainable development strategies embedded into the Bank’s overall business development strategy to Regulators, Shareholders, Investors, Customers, Employees, Media, Communities and relevant parties.

In 2023, the Bank officially launched its independent Sustainability Report to provide specific information on the Bank’s activities and its operational goals towards Sustainable Development.

  • Scope: HDBank’s operations in Vietnam covers the parent bank headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City, as well as its branches, and transaction offices across the country. The information and statistics used to disclose information are updated in accordance with the Parent Bank’s fiscal year.
  • Reporting period: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
  • The information disclosure is built on the basis of Circular 966/2020/TT-BTC guiding Information Disclosure.
  • The report also refers to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines published by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) in 2016 and amended in 2021.
  • Objectives and activities under each key theme are also linked to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


  • The highest-ranking official in charge of putting Sustainable Development policy into action

    Mr. Pham Quoc Thanh - Chief Executive Officer of HDBank

  • The person in charge of putting Sustainable Development policy into action

    Mr. Tran Hoai Phuong - Head of the Commercial Banking Division and Chief of the Environmental and Social Council

  • Email:

  • Telephone:

    (028) 62 915 916

  • Website:

  • Address:

    HD Tower Building, 25Bis Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


Sustainable development, as a global aspiration, is a process that integrates the three key dimensions of development, including economic development, social development and environmental protection, into a harmoniously balanced whole.

In 2004, the Vietnamese Government issued the Strategic Orientation for Sustainable Development in Vietnam (Vietnam’s Agenda 21) to promote sustainable development for the country which harmoniously combined these three dimensions into a single agenda. Then, in 2012, the Government issued Vietnam Sustainable Development Strategy for the 2011 - 2020 period, followed by Decision No. 841/QD-TTg dated July 14, 2023, stipulating the implementation roadmap for Vietnam’s sustainable development goals until 2030, with 17 sustainable development goals and 117 specific targets. In response to climate change, at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), the Government made strong commitments, including Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Recognizing the importance of sustainable development for the Bank’s growth, HDBank has soon integrated specific environmental, social and governance requirements into its business strategy and taken appropriate actions. Since 2013, the Bank has been demonstrating its decisive movements by successfully securing two M&A deals, including the merger of Dai A Commercial Joint Stock Bank and the acquisition of Société Générale Viet Finance from the French Société Générale Group. These deals set a strong foundation for HDBank’s rapid penetration into the retail and consumer finance segments across the country, targeting the underserved segments in secondary cities and rural areas. 10 years after this transformation, HDBank now serves more than 17 million individual and consumer customers, actively providing funds for individuals, businesses and local economies. Currently, over 50% of HDBank’s loan portfolio is dedicated to the people and businesses in these areas.

When it comes to environmental protection issues, back in 2015, HDBank issued the Policy on Green Credit and Environmental and Social Protection, making it one of the pioneering banks in implementing and promoting green credit development as well as responding to climate change and protecting human health. In 2015, HDBank was selected by the Government to participate in Green projects such as the “Project for Adaption to Climate Change in the Mekong Delta” and “Energy Efficiency Improvement” as well as many other ODA-funded projects related to community and economic infrastructure development to promote the country’s inclusive development.

In recent years, HDBank has been actively attracting funds to support projects in agricultural and rural development, high-tech agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), renewable energy, women-owned businesses, contributing to promoting a green economy, circular economy and financial inclusion.

In 2023, the Bank officially adopted the Regulations on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policies to communicate to its employees and stakeholders the standards that the Bank strives for. Governance and supervision mechanisms were also established to help implement the commitments of the Bank’s Board of Directors. On the same note, HDBank has also officially issued the Policy on Environmental and Social Risk Management in credit extension (ESMS) in corporate credit extension, which was formulated in consultation with a reputable international consulting organization and in compliance with the current environmental and social regulations and standards of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The purpose of it is to ensure the effective implementation of HDBank’s Environmental and Social Policy and proactive assessment and management of Environmental and Social risks and opportunities in credit products/services. Through this regulation, HDBank demonstrates its commitment to excluding financing for activities related to coal, oil exploration and production, as well as infrastructure services related to coal and coal-fired power plants.

To ensure the rights of stakeholders, HDBank is firmly committed to fully and strictly enforcing the provisions of the law and regulations. The Bank has issued an Environmental and Social Policy to integrate specific principles into the Bank’s business operations. HDBank also issued a Grievance Mechanism to establish in detail the procedures for receiving, investigating, resolving and closing complaints regarding the Bank’s operations from stakeholders.

Social and community support and development has been a long-established tradition of HDBank. The Bank maintains a track record in proactively fulfilling its social responsibility effectively to create real and far-reaching impacts. Social security activities are centered around three key dimensions, including education, healthcare, and housing. The Bank also focuses on cultivating the young generation by helping to discover and nurture Vietnamese young talents in sports and chess to rival the world’s best.

Building on a strong foundation of achievements and values, in 2024, HDBank will further promote its sustainable development strategy, focusing on the three pillars including Environmental - Social - Governance (ESG) through the following programs:

  • Develop bank-wide ESG strategy and management framework; Report and publish ESG-related information;
  • ESG risk management: Strengthen internal training and control of ESG risks in operations and business;
  • Further enhance the green credit framework and develop sustainable financial products;
  • Promote and expand cooperation with international organizations, financial institutions, and domestic ministries and departments to promote green credit, sustainable finance, etc. and pave the way for achieving Net Zero Bank.


With the aim of ensuring the sustainable growth of the economy, HDBank is among the first commercial banks to lead the way in promoting policies on green credit and social and environmental protection; in addition to organizing comprehensive training programs for its staff to evaluate environmental and social risks throughout the approval process, while also improving consultancy services and customer support.

Outstanding achievements in sustainable development practices under the Environmental - Social - Governance pillars in 2023

Achieved a 24.2%

return on equity (ROE), placing HDBank among market leaders


rate of dividends in cash and shares received by HDBank shareholders in 2023


of the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) (according to Basel II standards)


Issued the Regulations on Environmental and Social Management System for Risks in Credit Extension Operations to identify, evaluate and manage environmental and social risks in credit extension operations for commercial customers


Over VND 8.7 trillion of green credit balance disbursed for business and production initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment and addressing climate change in 2021, 2022 and 2023

Policy on Environmental and Social Risk Management in credit extension (ESMS)

is officially issued by the Board of Directors

Established the Environmental and Social Council

to help monitor the implementation of Environmental & Social policies and commitments


growth in the number of financial transactions on the e-banking channel


growth in the number of customers engaging in transactions on the e-banking channel

Increase by 24%

of the solar energy consumption compared to 2022

Decrease by 8.6% and 7% respectively

in terms of paper and ink consumption rate per employee compared to 2022

Decrease by 12.4%

of the plastic consumption per profit before tax compared to 2022

Increase by 249.4%

of the total expenses for staff training activities compared to 2022

20 million

shares issued in 2023 under the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) for managers

Over 55%

employees are female


the average customer satisfaction score across 3 survey channels (over the counter, traditional communications channels and online application)

Over 52%

of the total loan portfolio directed to customers in secondary urban areas and rural areas



Sustainable Development Model: HDBank’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) model is rigorously supported by the Board of Directors, the Board of Management, functional divisions and departments, and all staff members, affirming the Board of Directors’ commitment to aligning the Bank’s Sustainable Development goals with its overall development plan, specifically:

Ensuring the Bank’s sustainability in customer services and in cooperation with partners;

Respecting human life and positive impacts on the environment;

Observing the environmental, social, governance law and international practices.

  • Providing overarching guidance pertaining to the Bank’s strategic matters concerning Sustainable Development
  • Approve objectives and action plans
  • Develop and submit to the Board of Directors the Sustainable Development objectives and action plans of HDBank
  • Implement bank-wide Sustainable Development strategies, objectives and plans
  • Ensure the achievement of Sustainable Development plan objectives
  • Evaluate key Environmental and Social concerns that are related to the business operations of HDBank and provides advice to the Chief Executive Officer;
  • Report to the Board of Directors on the execution, assessment, and oversight of compliance with ESG Regulations;
  • Evaluate and oversee the implementation of ESG practices at the Bank
  • Address Environmental and Social concerns that are of significance to HDBank’s stakeholders and implement actions to fulfill the expectations of the stakeholders
  • Evaluate the potential risk and consequences of Environmental and Social concerns on the Bank’s operations
  • Oversee the execution of Environmental and Social Management practices at HDBank and for its customers to whom HDBank extends credit or projects that HDBank invests in
  • Oversee the execution of HDBank’s Environmental and Social Management System
  • Implement and execute the sustainable development plan in line with the identified orientation
  • Provide relevant recommendations to bolster the efficacy of the sustainable development plan
  • Perform daily duties relevant to HDBank’s sustainable development goals
  • Report any event where the Bank’s operations have a negative impact on its stakeholders.


The Environmental and Social Council (E&S Council) was founded in 2023 and reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer. The primary objective of this Council is to guarantee the Bank’s sustainable operations and to identify significant environmental and social concerns that might potentially harm the Bank’s operations and its major stakeholders.

The following environmental and social objectives fall under the purview of the Environmental and Social Council:

  • A.
    Oversee the execution of social and environmental action plans that HDBank and its investors have mutually agreed upon;
  • B.
    Enhance uniformity and efficiency of environmental and social risk management initiatives within the HDBank, as well as in the loan portfolio of the industry, in alignment with HDBank’s rules and policies;
  • C.
    Formulate, develop, and oversee key performance indicators (KPIs) on Environmental and Social Management;
  • D.
    Oversee HDBank’s adherence to sustainability, Environmental & Social standards (including climate change), and responsible business practices;
  • E.
    Engage in the consideration, assessment, and revision of emerging Environmental and Social concerns in order to identify their significance in generating long-lasting values for HDBank, as well as the products and services offered by HDBank, serving as a foundation to provide recommendations and consultation to the Chief Executive Officer regarding HDBank’s orientation towards Environmental and Social development.


HDBank recognizes that the support and collaboration of our stakeholders are crucial for our success on the sustainable development journey. HDBank identifies our key stakeholders as those who either influence our development strategy or are directly impacted by our operations. HDBank also identifies potential concerns, chooses appropriate communication channels, and proposes a specific action plan to ensure we meet the expectations of all stakeholders.

HDBank wishes to engage with our key stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, employees, regulators, media outlets, suppliers, and local communities on the upcoming journey. The needs and expectations of the stakeholders will be the driving force to help HDBank conquer new milestones, while shaping HDBank’s sustainable business strategy.

Shareholders Customers Employees Regulators Media Vendors Local communities
HDBank transparently and timely provides updated information to shareholders and investors as well as actively incorporates feedbacks to improve the quality of investor relations. HDBank proactively discusses and listens to customers' opinions in order to better understand the customers and provide financial services catered to their needs. HDBank has developed bilateral communication channels with employees, ensuring the synchronous implementation of the Bank’s development orientation across the system and promptly response to employees' questions. HDBank commits to fully complying with applicable legislation and actively communicating with regulators regarding the enforcement of regulations. HDBank actively engages in multichannel communication, enhancing its brand reputation among the general public, and swiftly addressing any inquiries or concerns pertaining to the Bank. HDBank implements a sustainable procurement approach, placing emphasis on suppliers and partners that demonstrate a strong dedication to upholding sustainable standards. HDBank always prioritizes the amplification of its significant contribution to the development of local communities by offering a wide range of financial solutions and supporting initiatives related to social security.



We are proud to be a shareholder of HDBank since its official IPO in 2017. Since then, we have enjoyed a highly satisfactory collaborative relationship with HDBank. HDBank has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to executing its set strategy, resulting in remarkable business growth as envisioned in its annual development plans and long-term directions. HDBank has also adopted a prudent and meticulous approach to growth, thereby effectively controlling risks and safeguarding shareholder rights regardless of economic downturns. HDBank’s shareholder relation staff is highly proactive and always updates timely, provides transparent and detailed reports, organizes regular face-to-face meetings, and promptly responds to investor inquiries. Their professionalism and enthusiasm have fostered a relationship that goes beyond mere professional ties, instead further developing into that of cherished allies.

LeapFrog Investments

HDBank stands as a listed bank among Vietnam’s top performers in retail and commercial banking services, as evidenced by its strong business track record with return on equity (ROE) and credit growth consistently exceeding 20%. HDBank boasts a customer base of 17 million, focusing primarily on low-income individual customers and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which closely aligns with LeapFrog’s objective of promoting financial inclusion. LeapFrog’s investment in HDBank has enhanced the bank’s capital capacity, promoted its credit programs for individual customers and MSMEs, and prioritized support for women-owned and women-led businesses. Throughout this investment and partnership journey, HDBank has consistently demonstrated its cooperation and joint efforts in promoting value-creation initiatives.

HDBank’s strategic focus and commitment to the underserved segments, particularly low-income individual customers and MSMEs, resonate deeply with LeapFrog’s mission. LeapFrog and HDBank are engaging in discussion and research to implement products that promote financial inclusion, including insurance, by leveraging the bank’s digital ecosystem and strategic partnerships.

LeapFrog is also supporting HDBank in the adoption of good environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. This support not only ensures the bank’s compliance with ESG policies and best practices but also contributes to enhancing the sustainability of businesses within LeapFrog’s investment portfolio. HDBank’s participation in LeapFrog’s first Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report, scheduled for release this year, holds great significance in enabling LeapFrog to assess climate change risks and opportunities within its investment portfolio. To put it simply, the partnership between LeapFrog Investments and HDBank has yielded positive results. We hope that this partnership will continue to flourish and create meaningful contributions and promote sustainable growth.


After learning about the HDBank Rural application in the offline rural agriculture workshop in Dong Thap, I was introduced to the application by HDBank staff and experienced it by myself. I am deeply impressed by HDBank’s swift development of such an accessible form of digital platform, particularly designed to benefit individuals in rural areas. This application can provide users with an additional source of income. What truly amazes me is the ability to track the status of referred customers and monitor the income made through the application. Now, I can identify and introduce new customers to HDBank anytime and anywhere. The application is also extremely helpful in providing consultations to farmers to facilitate access to affordable loans and banking offerings, thus progressively creating more opportunities for development and improved living standards for farmers across the nation.


The State Bank of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City Branch acknowledges and commends the collective efforts of HDBank’s Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, Board of Management, and all employees in achieving positive results and growth in total treasury and funding while maintaining strong credit quality and an exceptionally low non-performing loan ratio within the region. HDBank’s sustainable development strategy is highly regarded for its focus on linking credit growth to safe and effective credit restructuring, rigorous credit quality control measures, and strict implementation of and adherence to Basel II safety standards.


I believe that HDBank offers stable employee welfare and social insurance programs. The bank’s overall salary, bonuses, welfare, and talent retention policies maintain a competitive edge within the market while promoting sustainable human resource management practices. In 2023, the implementation of an online system for KPI evaluation has significantly facilitated the process of performance assessment for managers, resulting in increased transparency and effectiveness in employee recognition and reminders at monthly, bi-annual, and annual intervals. Among the training programs offered by the Human Resource Division last year, the “Next Leaders” program for key personnel stands out as a key highlight. The knowledge and training content provided by the Executive Board equips participants with the ability to apply their knowledge in practice and enable direct communication with the bank’s leaders, thereby fostering a sense of belonging and driving long-term contributions.


I find HDBank’s working environment to be highly dynamic and motivating for employee growth. HDBank has an exceptional welfare policy with salaries and bonuses that align with employee job responsibilities and offers additional bonuses for holidays and anniversaries. It is noteworthy that HDBank also implements support policies that are dedicated to female employees, including annual allowances for ao dai and makeup. Throughout my employment and performance evaluations, I have never encountered any instances of discrimination. These evaluations are conducted with impartiality and fairness by the head of the unit based on individual work results. I have also been given the opportunity to participate in all of the training programs that enable capacity building and timely communication of the bank’s latest policies.


The Investment and Finance Newspaper - Sai Gon Giai Phong News, acknowledges HDBank’s communication efforts in providing comprehensive, timely, and transparent information about its activities and events to customers, shareholders, and partners, introducing optimal financial solutions to the public. HDBank also actively communicates its extensive and regular nationwide social security activities, thereby promoting positive values within the community.

Given our strong cooperative relationship and mutual goodwill, Sai Gon Investment and Finance Newspaper - Sai Gon Giai Phong News and HDBank will continue to collaborate in communicating new products and services while delivering new and positive economic values for millions of Vietnamese citizens and fostering a brighter future for all.

Speed Light/Speed Up

We hold HDBank in high regard for its professionalism throughout our working and collaborative relationship. The bank has consistently provided well-defined plans, clear information, and diligently fulfills its responsibilities and obligations as outlined within the mutually executed Contract. HDBank’s professionalism and support have been evident throughout our partnership. By facilitating access to the management and operational practices of Vietnam’s leading financial institutions through various communication channels, HDBank has enabled us to enhance our understanding of the significance of structuring our business towards better professional management, sustainable development and risk management practices, which allow us to minimize and address weaknesses while optimizing our competitive edge to achieve optimal efficiency.

As a delivery service provider, we firmly support HDBank’s sustainable development policies. We recognize that “green and sustainable” development for environmental protection and social advancement is a shared responsibility of all businesses towards the community and society. We will continuously strive to not only improve our operation and management practices to create services that align with the highest standards of “green and sustainable” development but also fulfill other quality improvement requirements. This will contribute to our continued collaboration with HDBank in sustainable development, while also better fulfilling our own roles and responsibilities in sustainable development alongside customers, partners, and the community.


DHL Express VN, a leading global express delivery service provider, is highly committed to sustainable development with the goal of achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 through a well-defined strategy. Throughout our collaborative relationship with HDBank, DHL Express VN holds HDBank in regard for its steadfast adherence to the terms and obligations outlined in the mutually executed contract. HDBank has also consistently demonstrated its focus on selecting suppliers that have sustainable development policies in place, as evidenced by its recent decision to opt for the GoGreen Plus service to reduce CO2 emissions.


The National Fund for Vietnamese Children” was established with the objective of mobilizing voluntary contributions from domestic and international agencies, organizations, and individuals to support children facing special and challenging circumstances throughout the country. As of December 31, 2023, the Fund has supported 106,200 children in need.

HDBank stands as one of the organizations that has consistently supported the Fund for many years. Its financial resources have been utilized by the Fund to deliver timely support, including medical examinations and screenings, scholarship programs, clean water infrastructure, etc., to children in need across the nation. These activities contribute to improved conditions for these children’s comprehensive development and full realization of children’s rights.


Since 2007, HDBank’s contributions to the Sponsoring Association for Poor Patients have amounted to over VND 14.5 billion, including eye surgeries for economically disadvantaged patients, scholarships to academicallymotivated students facing financial hardship, health insurance coverage, and constructing charity houses for near-poor and disadvantaged families. The Association extends its deepest gratitude to HDBank’s leadership for their kindness and noble actions. These impactful contributions have directly resulted in over 10,000 eye surgeries, 20,000 health insurance coverages, scholarships, and hundreds of charity houses, which has progressively empowered individuals across the country to improve their living conditions, overcome challenges, reduce poverty, and alleviate social.


Committed to sustainable development to ensure the best benefits for stakeholders, HDBank has identified 13 key focus areas impacting its operations and its stakeholders. HDBank evaluates key focus areas based on their impact on both its operations and stakeholders.

HDBank identifies Environmental - Social - Governance (ESG) as its three core pillars for sustainable development. Within these pillars, HDBank defines 13 detailed key focus areas to guide its sustainable development activities. HDBank will conduct an annual review and update of its key focus areas and their corresponding impact, which ensures alignment with evolving stakeholder concerns and the strategic direction of HDBank’s business activities.

  • 1
    Economic values
  • 2
    Sustainable Risk Management
  • 3
    Sustainable finance
  • 4
    Legal compliance
  • 5
    Digital transformation and data security
  • 1
    Resources optimization
  • 2
    Environmental impacts Reduction
  • 8
    Human resources enhancement
  • 9
    Employee’s welfare and compensation
  • 10
    Diversity, equality and human rights
  • 11
    Customer values
  • 12
    Financial inclusion
  • 13
    Community and society Companion


Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Set goals to maintain an average growth rate of over 25% per year, guarantee safe and sustainable operations, and accomplish the 2021-2025 5-year plan.

Strive to become one of the most profitable banks by 2025.

Align strategic development directions with agriculture, rural development, secondary urban markets, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), households, value chain financing, and digital transformation.

Commit to deliver optimal values to shareholders, customers, employees, community, and local economy, while positively contributing to the State Budget through sustainable business practices.

The profit before tax reached VND 13,017 billion, the highest record in HDBank’s history, which aligned with the plan set by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The return on equity (ROE) reached 24.2%, placing HDBank among market leaders.

The rate of dividends in cash and shares received by HDBank shareholders reached 25%.

HDBank was honored by the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee as one of the fastestgrowing enterprises and largest contributors to the State Budget.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

View risk management for sustainable development as an inseparable activity of daily business and operations. Effectively manage environmental - social - governance (ESG) risks, thereby enabling leadership’s decision making to seize opportunities from sustainable development transformations on a global scale.

Continuously strengthen and refine the existing policy framework and risk management processes, ensure alignment with evolving legal requirements and refer to global good practices in the banking sector.

Ensure all employees are well informed and aware of the importance of and how they can contribute to sustainable development risk management.

Embrace technology-driven approaches to monitor, facilitate early forecast and promptly alert all risks, including environmental and social risks.

The capital adequacy ratio (CAR) (according to Basel II standards) was 12.6%.

Complete the operational risk management framework upgrade project.

Complete and officially implement Policy on Environmental and Social Risk Management in credit extension (ESMS) applies to commercial customers.

Start classifying the Environmental and Social risk levels and provide recommendations in accordance with the Policy on Environmental and Social Risk Management in credit extension (ESMS) from September 2023.

One of the pioneering banks in Vietnam in terms of implementing a comprehensive upgrade from Basel II to Basel III Reforms in all indicators and complying with the strict requirements set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) (Bank for International Settlement - BIS), which has been recommended for implementation in international banks from 2023.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Drive innovation and improvement in policies as well as activities to achieve Green Banking.

Refrain from funding sectors that have negative environmental and social impacts.

Promote preferential financial products to businesses, supply chain financing, and sustainable development projects.

Best Bank for Sustainable Finance - The Asset Magazine.

Won the Outstanding Financial - Banking Products & Services Award 2023 (IDG 2023): Outstanding Bank for Green Credit, Bank accompanying SMEs.

Over USD 170 million of green capital funded as of 2023.

Over VND 8.7 trillion of green credit disbursed for business and production initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment and addressing climate change in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Sustain results without major concerns addressed by the regulators in committing to strict implementation and compliance with legal regulations related to financial crime prevention, and environmental and social protection.

Ensure transparency in information and timely provide necessary reports to customers, partners and stakeholders.

Establish a team of knowledgeable, self-aware, and skilled employees to proactively prevent, identify and combat misconduct.

The Bank maintains a clean record of compliance with laws against financial crime and environmental and social protection, which is reflected by the absence of sanctions and financial losses associated with relevant lawsuits.

100% of employees, including management levels, have completed the anti-corruption course.

97.5% of corruption-related activities were assessed across all risk-assessed activities.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Strive to become a Happy Digital Bank, pioneer the application of modern technologies and develop multifunctional digital banking products and services deliver practical value to the society and are well-received by the market.

Promote digital transformation across all operating areas to prepare HDBank for a strong integration in the digital age; switch from the multi-channel to omnichannel business model on online platforms, with a particular focus on strengthening the retail banking segment. Complete digitization of customer journeys in accordance with HDBank’s digital transformation strategy.

Ensure full and effective implementation of the highest standards for system safety, information security, and privacy protection of individuals and organizations that engage in transactions at HDBank in accordance with the laws of HDBank and international practices.

The number of new customers registering on digital channels in 2023 increased by 125% YOY, bringing the total number of customers using digital channels to over 2 million customers. For the first time, digital channels account for the majority of new customer acquisition, exceeding the number of customers acquired via traditional channels.

The number of financial transactions on digital channels increased by 132% YOY. The number of customers engaging in transactions on the e-banking channel increased by 86% compared to 2022. The number of customer transactions on digital channels accounts for 93% of the total number of customer transactions at HDBank by the end of 2023.

Officially launch the Happy Digital Sales sales management system.

3 Digital Transformation awards of the Global Brands Magazine and Vietnam Wealth Advisor Summit 2023 (VWAS 2023).

“Digital Innovation” award from the ASEAN Business Advisory Council.

The first Vietnamese bank to be awarded ISO 20000 international certification by the British Standards Institute - BSI.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Save and optimize the use of resources.

Promote investment in technology and innovation through embracing digital transformation to minimize the need to use resources, thereby limiting negative environmental impacts.

Energy intensity per employee in 2023 was 1.3 Gigajoules/person.

Paper consumption rate per employee decreases by 8.6% compared to 2022.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Minimize greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impacts, transitioning to renewable resources

Effectively manage bank-wide emissions.

Greenhouse gas emission intensity per employee is 579.2 kg CO2 equivalent/person.

Plastic consumption per profit before tax decreases by 12.4% compared to 2022.

Ink consumption and environmental waste per employee decreases by 7% compared to 2022.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Focus on talent attraction and acquisition, as well as training and upskilling of human resources, to promptly meet current and future business needs.

Foster a professional work environment and provide opportunities for employees to enhance their knowledge and skills, thereby building a team of talented and creative high performers.

Top 1 Employer for employee satisfaction in the market according to surveys conducted by CareerBuilder and InsightAsia

Digital Transformation Awards 2023 awarded by HR Asia Magazine for the successful application of information technology in human resources activities

Build corporate culture through workshops “Building a high-performance culture” nationwide and establish a set of HDBank corporate culture standards

The total expenses for staff training activities increased by 249.4% compared to 2022

The number of training hours in 2023 increases by 250,672 hours, equivalent to 152.7% compared to 2022

99.6% of employees received performance ratings of “Meeting Expectations” or above in 2023.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Continue to implement salary and bonus increases and attractive incentive programs to maintain and improve the bank’s understanding of its employees.

Continue to implement effective management and mitigate occupational safety and health risks for employees.

Best Companies To Work For In Asia 2023 (HR Asia) (winner for 6 consecutive years).

No personnel experienced work-related accidents or injuries.

Issue 20 million shares under the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) for managers.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Ensure respect for human rights, foster equality and diversity within the workforce, and maintain and grow the number and proportion of female employees.

Strengthen the engagement between the HDBank’s leadership and employees.

“Gender Equality Star” in the TOP 50 Corporate Sustainability Awards 2023 (CSA 50) by Nhip Cau Dau Tu Magazine.

Outstanding Sustainable Enterprises in Vietnam 2023 - “Gender Equality” Category (CSA50).

On December 31, 2023, the proportion of female employees accounted for more than 55% of the total number of employees.

In 2023, 83.5% of employees expressed satisfaction with the work environment, welfare programs, and training and development policies at HDBank

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Enhance customer experience through digital transformation, product diversity, and customer care.

Minimize incidents of consulting and providing inaccurate information or violating customer data security, including breaches and mishandling of customer information.

Best Retail Bank Vietnam 2023 (International Business Magazine).

Award for the Most Innovative Digital Banking Provider in Vietnam in 2023 (The Global Economics).

The average customer satisfaction score across 3 survey channels (over the counter, traditional communications channels and online application) was 4.86/5.

Net Promoter Score (NPS), showing the likelihood that customers would recommend a product or a service of HDBank to others, is 89%.

There have been no incidents/complaints about breaches of customer data security, or leakages or losses of customer data.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Continue to reinforce strategies, policies and actions to enhance accessibility to financial services for individual customers and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), especially women-owned businesses.

Proactively reach out to individuals and businesses in rural and remote areas, and workers and employees in industrial and export processing zones.

Launch HDBank Rural application to provide financial solutions dedicated to customers in rural areas

The total number of new customers in rural and remote areas reached nearly 550,000 customers, representing an YOY increase.

Disburse nearly VND 8 trillion from the VND 10 trillion loan package allocated to workers and employees in industrial and export processing zones.

Disburse nearly VND 3.4 trillion for the program supporting women-owned businesses in 2023

More than 52% of the total loan portfolio was directed to customers in secondary urban areas and rural areas.

Direction Outstanding results in 2023 Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Commit to fostering community and social development through three key areas: Transportation, education, and healthcare infrastructure.

Engage in community activities across the country, from urban to rural areas, with a focus on mountainous and remote regions, as well as ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups.

Ensure to leave a lasting positive impact on the environment for future generations.

Receive various certificates of merit and awards from prestigious domestic and international organizations, recognizing achievements and contributions to the community and society.

Honored to receive the Second-class Labor Order twice and the Third-class Labor Order four times, along with the Emulation Flag of the State Bank and the Government in the period 2017 - 2023.

“Best bank for CSR Vietnam” award (Asiamoney)

Direct over VND 46 billion towards charitable causes, social activities, and programs for the local community.